At the Extraordinary General Meeting in Magle Chemoswed Holding AB (publ) held on 27 November 2020, it was resolved to approve the Board’s resolution on a new share issue with pre-emptive rights for the shareholders of SEK 20 million, before transaction costs. Through the rights issue, not more than 800,000 new shares are issued. 25 existing shares entitle to subscription for two new shares. The rights issue is 100 percent covered by free of charge subscription commitments and issue guarantees from existing shareholders.
The subscription price amounts to SEK 25 per share. The record date for participation in the rights issue is 1 December 2020. Subscription for the new shares shall be made during the period 2 – 16 December 2020. The last day of trading in the Magle Chemoswed share including the right to participate in the rights issue is 27 November 2020.
Full terms and conditions for the rights Issue as well as other information about the company will be presented in the Information Memorandum that is expected to be published by the company on 1 December 2020.
For further information, please contact:
Justin Pierce, CEO
Phone: +46 (0)70 593 58 21
Email: Justin.Pierce@maglechemoswed.com