Corporate governance

Management team

Justin Pierce, Chief Executive Officer

Born 1973. CEO since 2015.

Justin has a Master’s degree (M.S.) in European commercial law from Lund University and has completed his doctorate (Ph.D.) in law at Lund University. Justin took over as CEO of Magle Life Sciences in 2015 after being an advisor since 2012. During this time, Justin has overseen the acquisition of Chemoswed and Adroit Science, and the merger and structuring of Magle Chemoswed.

Shareholding: 150 000 warrants

Petra Jönsson Sjölin, Chief Financial Officer

Born 1978. CFO since 2020.

Petra has more than 8 years of finance experience in the life-science industry, start up companies, and of the executive leadership teams. Petra holds a degree of excellence in Business Management and Business finance, IHM Business School, Malmö. Petra has a hands-on mentality that gives us an added value to our company.

Shareholding: –

Fredrik Andersson, Chief Operations Officer

Born1976. Chief Operations Officer since 2019.

Fredrik holds a bachelor’s degree (B.Sc.) in chemical engineering with a specialization in pharma from Malmö University, and has a long background in analytical chemistry and drug development. He has worked within the organization since 1999 and has been part of Magle Chemoswed’s senior management since 2019.

Shareholding: 75 000 warrants

Board of directors

Hans Henrik Lidgard, Founder & Chairman

Born 1946. Chairman since 2016, board member since 2013.

Hans Henrik has been a lawyer and co-founder of the law firm Vinge, Executive Vice President of AB Leo, Helsingborg and CEO of Pharmacia EC in Brussels. From 1997 he activated his company Magle AB in parallel with activities at Lund University as professor (now emeritus) in law with a focus on European competition and intellectual property law.

Shareholding: 7 988 112 shares through Magle AB

Independent in relation to the company.

Sven-Christer Nilsson, Board Member

Born 1944. Board member since 2016.

Sven-Christer holds a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) from Lund University and has studied the Advanced General Management Program, INSEAD / CEDEP. Sven-Christer is a member of the Board of Directors of CEVA, Inc. (NASD: CEVA) since 2003. CEVA operates in the markets for signal processors, sensor networks and AI processors. He was CEO at Ericsson between 1998-99. Recent Board assignments include Assa Abloy AB (2001-2015), SprinNextel, Inc. (NYSE: S, 2008-2013) and the Swedish Defense Materiel Administration (Chairman 2010-2017).

Shareholding: 54 000 shares through Ripasso AB

Independent in relation to the company as well as to its major shareholders.

Mats Pettersson, Board Member

Born 1945. Board member since 2016.

Mats holds a Master of Business Administration and is a former authorized public accountant. After a career as a public accountant, his pharmaceutical career began in what later became the Pharmacia group in the mid-seventies. Mats has more than forty years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and has been part of several management groups within Pharmacia and is responsible for several transformative M&As. Among other things, as a driving force and responsible for the spin-off and stock exchange introduction of Biovitrum (today SOBI), where he was also its first CEO. Later Board assignments include Lundbeck AS, (2003-2013, Chariman 2011-2013), Genmab AS (Chairman), Ablynx NV, 2007-2013 (sold to Sanofi), Moberg Pharma AB (Chairman 2010-2016).

Shareholding: 216 000 shares

Independent in relation to the company as well as to its major shareholders.

Hedda Lidgard Ström, Board Member

Born 1981. Board member since 2017.

Hedda has a Master of Law degree from Lund University and holds an MBA from INSEAD. She has extensive experience in HR, strategy and communication. Hedda has previously been an operational HR director and has worked as a management consultant with strategy and organizational issues. In addition to this, she has worked with strategic communication and customer experience in many international corporations. She has previously been the Chief Communication Officer for the Company.

Shareholding: 28 296 shares

Independent in relation to the company’s major shareholders.

Malin Malmsjö, Board Member

Born 1973. Board member since 2016.

Malin Malmsjö is an internationally recognized expert in oculoplastic surgery, and is Professor and Senior Consultant in ophthalmology at Skåne University Hospital. Her research focuses on the development of novel non-invasive imaging techniques for tumor margin delineation and optimizing periorbital cancer surgery by monitoring blood perfusion. Malin is the Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, and she has authored 140 scientific publications and book chapters. Malin is also the inventor and patent holder of award winning medical devices for heart and vascular surgery.

Shareholding: 172 800 shares through BioLab in Lund AB

Independent in relation to the company as well as to its major shareholders.

Joel Eklund, Board Member

Born 1980. Board member since 2020.

Joel Eklund holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Oxford. Joel was the CEO of TePe Munhygienprodukter AB between 2012-2019. Currently, he is the chairman of the board in TePe Munhygienprodukter AB and Eklund Foundation.
Recent Board assignments, among others, include Malmö University, Midway Holding, USWE Sports, AMAB Hydraul et. al.

Shareholding: 1 101 600 shares through Fosielund Holding AB and 32 400 shares privately

Independent in relation to the company as well as to its major shareholders.

Julia Kamber, Reserve Board Member

Born 1983. Reserve board member since 2018.

Julia Kamber is a licensed physician with experience in marketing and sales in the pharmaceutical industry and in leadership roles at specialist clinics. She has worked in a number of different strategic marketing roles for Roche in the Swiss and US markets. She is currently hospital director for a well-known private Swiss clinic specialized in orthopedics and traumatology for an international clientele. She holds an MBA from INSEAD and lives in Switzerland.

Shareholding: –

Independent in relation to the company as well as to its major shareholders.

Ingela Fritzon

Born 1964. Employee representative since 2019.

Ingela has a Ph.D. in Organic Chemsitry from Lund University. She has extensive experience from drug development from her time at Active Biotech and has been a Development Chemist at Magle Chemoswed since 2016.

Shareholding: –

Independent in relation to the company’s major shareholders.

Articles of association

*N.B. The English text is an unofficial translation

Adopted at the Annual General Meeting held on the 27th of March 2020
1 § Name
The name of the Company is Magle Chemoswed Holding AB. The Company is a public.
2 § Registered office The registered office of the Company is in Malmö.
3 § Object The Company shall own and manage intellectual property rights, securities, real estate, as well as other companies in the pharmaceutical field and conduct related activities.
4 § Share Capital and Number of Shares The share capital shall be not less than 500.000 kronor and not more than 2.000.000 kronor. The number of shares in the company shall be not less than 10.000.000 and not more than 40.000.000.
5 § Board of Directors The Board shall consist of not less than three (3) and not more than (10) board members and not more than three (3) deputy directors.
6 § Auditors The company shall have not less than one (1) and not more than (2) two auditors with the maximum of two deputy auditors. The appointed auditor, including the deputy auditor shall be an authorised public accountant or registered accounting firm.
7 § Notices Notice of a general meeting shall be made by announcement in the Swedish Official Gazette (Sw. Post- och Inrikes Tidningar) and by making the notice available on the Company’s website. It shall further be announced in Dagens industri that a notice has been made.
8 § Notification of Participation in the General Meeting A shareholder who wishes to attend a general meeting must notify this to the Company no later than the date stated in the notice of the general meeting. This day must not be a Sunday, any other public holiday, Saturday, Midsummer’s Eve, Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve and not fall earlier than the fifth weekday before the general meeting. If a shareholder wishes to be accompanied by advisors at the general meeting, this shall be stated, including the number of advisors (maximum two), in the notification.
9 § Matters at the Annual General Meeting At the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders following matters shall be dealt with:
1. Election of chairman of the meeting;
2. Establishment and approval of the voting list;
3. Approval of the agenda;
4. Election of one or two persons to approve the minutes;
5. Determination as to whether the meeting has been duly convened;
6. presentation of the annual report and auditor’s report and, if appropriate, the consolidated annual report and consolidated auditor’s report;
7. Resolution concerning:
a) adoption of income statement and balance sheet and, if appropriate consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet;
b) allocation of the Company’s profit or loss in accordance with the adopted balance sheet;
c) the discharge from liability for the directors of the board and the managing director.
8. determination of the number of members of the board and deputy members, and number of auditors and the deputy auditors;
9. determination of directors’ and auditors’ fees;
10. Election of members of the board and deputy members; as well as election of auditors and deputy auditors;
11. Other matters to be dealt with at the annual general meeting pursuant to the Companies Act or the Articles of Association.
10 § Financial Year The financial year of the Company shall be the calendar year.
11 § CSD Clause The Companies shares shall be registered at Central Security’s Depository in accordance with the Swedish Financial Instruments Accounts Act of 1998 (Sw. lagen 1998:1479).